Plenary speakers
5 plenary speeches will be scheduled during the conference :

Prof Jian CAO (Northwestern University, USA)Manufacturing – an integration platform
Professor Cao (MIT’95, MIT’92, SJTU’89) is the Cardiss Collins Professor and the Director of Northwestern Initiative for Manufacturing Science and Innovation at Northwestern University. Professor Cao specializes in innovative manufacturing processes and systems, particularly in the areas of deformation-based processes and laser processes. She views manufacturing as an integration platform and has authored over 200 journal articles, 15 patents, and several op-ed articles. Cao is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Materials Processing Technology and the founding Technical Editor of ASME Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing. Professor Cao is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), ASME, SME, and of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP). Her major awards include the SME Gold Medal, DoD Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award from ASME and Pi Tau Sigma, SME Frederick W. Taylor Research Medal, ASME Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award, ASME Young Investigator Award from Applied Mechanics Division, and the NSF CAREER Award. She served as President of the SME North America Manufacturing Research Institute, and Chair of ASME Manufacturing Engineering Division. Prof. Cao is a Board member of mHUB, Chicago's first innovation center focused on physical product development and manufacturing.

Michaël GREMLING (CRM Group, Belgium)Manufacturing and Assembly processes : they must be part of Design decisions
Michaël Gremling is unit manager at CRM group.
He started working for CRM group in 2011 and became unit manager in 2017. He received his degree is Civil Engineering at University of Liege in 2005. After his studies, he started working for ArcelorMittal.

Prof Zoltan MAJOR (Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)Forming experiments and simulations for discontinuous fiber reinforced CF-SMC components
ZOLTAN MAJOR was born in 1961 in Karcag, Hungary. He studied mechanical engineering with specialization of materials and manufacturing and graduated at the University of Miskolc in Hungary. He was employed at the Institute for Mechanical Technologies as researcher until 1994. From 1994 until 2008 he was employed as research and later as university assistant at the Institute for Materials Science and Testing of Plastics at the Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria and served as Senior and Key Researcher at the Polymer Competence Center Leoben GmbH. His PhD deals with the Characterization of the Impact Behavior of Plastics using Fracture Mechanics Approach. From 2003 until 2009 he was Senior and Key Researcher at the Polymer Competence Center Leoben. Prof. Major is since 2009 the Head of the Institute of Polymer Product Engineering (IPPE) at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) and deals with the various aspects of design and dimensioning of advanced polymeric components. His research activities covers the fields of experimental mechanics, mechanics of materials, integrative multi-scale simulations, design and additive manufacturing of polymers and polymeric components for industrial and for medical applications. He is member of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) TC4 Polymers and Composites committee and Secretary ESIS Austria Group. He is the Chairman of the IMEKO TC15 Experimental Mechanics group and leads the WG2 Characterization and Simulation in the European Lightweight Cluster Alliance (ELCA).

Prof Lorenzo MORONI (Maastricht University, Netherlands)When regenerative medicine is inspired by material forming field
Prof. Dr. Lorenzo Moroni studied Biomedical Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, and Nanoscale Sciences at Chalmers Technical University, Sweden. He received his Ph.D. cum laude in 2006 at University of Twente on 3D scaffolds for osteochondral regeneration, for which he was awarded the European doctorate award in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering from the European Society of Biomaterials (ESB). In 2007, he worked at Johns Hopkins University as a post-doctoral fellow in the Elisseeff lab, focusing on hydrogels and stem cells. In 2008, he was appointed the R&D director of the Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank of Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, where he investigated the use of stem cells from alternative sources for cell banking, and the development of novel bioactive scaffolds for skeletal regeneration. From 2009 till 2014, he joined again University of Twente, where he got tenured in the Tissue Regeneration department.
Since 2014 he works at Maastricht University, where he is a founding member of the MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine. In 2016, he became full professor in biofabrication for regenerative medicine.
His research group interests aim at developing biofabrication technologies to generate libraries of 3D scaffolds able to control cell fate, with applications spanning from skeletal to vascular, neural, and organ regeneration.
In 2014, he received the prestigious Jean Leray award for outstanding young principal investigators from the ESB and the ERC starting grant. In 2016, he also received the prestigious Young Scientist Award for outstanding principal investigators from TERMIS. In 2017, he was elected as faculty of the Young Academy of Europe and in the top 100 Italian scientists within 40 worldwide by the European Institute of Italian Culture. Since 2019, he is chair of the Complex Tissue Regeneration department and vice-director of MERLN. From his research efforts, 3 products have already reached the market.

Tom VAN EEKELEN (Siemens, Belgium)An end to end platform for the industrialization of additive manufacturing
After finishing my studies in aerospace engineering at the TU Delft, I joined Samtech in Liège in 1998. When I started at Samtech, I worked in the Samcef development team, where I worked on non-linear structural analysis. Later, I became the lead developer for the work taking place in the field of thermal and ablation analysis. Working for a smaller company, this also included direct customer contact, and participation in external (research) projects. After the acquisition of Samtech by LMS and subsequently Siemens, the new field of additive manufacturing arrived about 4 years ago. During the first three year I oversaw developing our new process simulation software, plus the integration of this solution into the larger Siemens platform. About one year ago I moved from development to the product management of the process simulation solution.