ESAFORM 2021 programme
Live sessions
11 live sessions will be scheduled during the conference (14-16 April) with a Q&A session. The pre-conference course of 13 April will also be live (extra registration required).
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Apr, 2021
Introduction and experimental aspect
Anne Mertens, ULiège (Belgium)
Simulation by Solid Finite Elements Method
Simulation By Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) /Particle Finite Element Model (PFEM) models
Bio-based Polymers tailored for Additive Manufacturing of Medical Implants (Process and Applications)
Apr, 2021
Opening session
Forming experiments and simulations for discontinuous fiber reinforced CF-SMC components
“How to write a scientific paper”? This webinar is aimed at PhD students and early career researchers
Nathalie Jacobs, Springer
Manufacturing – an integration platform
Apr, 2021
An end to end platform for the industrialization of additive manufacturing
Tom VAN EEKELEN, Siemens (Belgium)
ESAFORM general assembly
ESAFORM Industrial prize winner presentation
Manufacturing and Assembly processes : they must be part of Design decisions
Apr, 2021
When regenerative medicine is inspired by material forming field
Thematic Workshop 8B : Match-Making for Materials Research across the borders between Netherlands, Germany & Belgium through Interreg program
Benchmark EXACT public session
Presentations of selected papers
The paper selection is now finalised and 243 papers were selected for presentation.
These presentations will be on-demand. Each participant will have a constant access to the videos of the paper presentations, wih the possibility to ask their questions to the presenters.
3 networking coffee breaks will be organised. Don't hesitate to join and chat about informal themes.
14 April, 10:30-11:00 hrs (CET)

15 April, 15:00-15:30 hrs (CET)

16 April, 10:00-10:30 hrs (CET)

Web-event highlights

Coffee breaks
Networking coffee breaks will be organised, where you will be able to discuss with other participants about informal themes such as sport, holidays, cinema, etc.

Meeting room
A meeting room will be available for your working meetings (upon reservation)

Each participant will have a constant access to the videos of the paper presentations, wih the possibility to ask your questions to the presenters.

Each participant will be asked to send a photo of him(her)self to produce a group picture of all participants.

We are still thinking about new possibilities to provide a pleasant experience to our participants. Stay tuned.