
In 1883 in Liege, Belgium, George Montefiore founded one of the first European schools involved with the training of electrical engineers, the Montefiore Institute, today called the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Liege.

Three years later, in 1886, Montefiore founded an association which comprised a gathering of the alumni of this school, and which was known as the Electrical Engineers Association of the Montefiore Institute, AIM for short. Today, this association boasts more than 800 members who work in the field of electrical engineering in many countries throughout the world.

AIM is officially recognised as a U.P.R. – Union Professionnelle Reconnue, or Recognised Professional Union.

AIM directly oversees all matters relating to membership of the organisation.  One of our principal activities is the organisation of study days and scientific conferences. In particular, and once every four years, AIM organises the CIRED conference and exhibition (International Conference on Electricity Distribution) which attracts approximately 1500 participants.